Saturday, 6 August 2011

1_Day Visit orang Utan Feeding Platform In Bukit Lawang

Until 1996 Bukit Lawang in North Sumatra was the location of an Orangutan rehabilitation centre. The centre was forced to close its doors to new arrivals because the centre could not accommodate the ever growing number of Orangutans. Later conservation strategies recommended against the re-introduction of ex-captives into wild populations, due to the threat of disease. The Orangutans rehabilitated in this period and their off-spring still remain in the jungle around Bukit Lawang.

A feeding platform was built in the jungle to aid their survival in the wild. Many of these semi-wild Orangutans and their off spring still frequent the feeding platform. There is also the occasional wild visitor.

The Orangutans are fed twice a day on bananas and milk. It was believed that a bland diet would encourage the rehabilitated Orangutans to search for a more varied diet themselves in the jungle.

It is possible for visitors to Bukit Lawang to visit the feeding platform and view the Orangutans. 


•  Early morning pick up from Medan by    public transport or privately chartered car    or bus.

•  Drop off belongings at a recommended    guest house if staying overnight.

•  Lunch and afternoon visit to the feeding    platform

•  Return to overnight accommodation or    return transport to Medan if required.

(Itinerary may alter according to your pick up time from Medan)

For the Budget Traveller

To keep down your costs we can arrange for you to be met in Medan and accompanied back to Bukit Lawang by public bus transport. We can also arrange for accommodation to suit a range of budgets.

Overnight trekking

For a more authentic jungle experience we can arrange for you to trek and camp in the jungle for 1 night or more if you wish.

Durations and costs are flexible according to group size. Please contact us for more information.

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